Sunday, May 12, 2024

Electroneum: Predictions and Trends That Are Going to Rule 2020

Electroneum is ‘The Mobile Cryptocurrency’, brought to life by the founder Richard Ells in the year 2017. If you have been a regular follower of the Electroneum news or headlines about virtual currency in general, you must have come across hundreds of Fintech experts reviewing the frequent instabilities in the financial assets. Even then, everyone is excited about the turn ETN price prediction 2020 are going to take. After all, it is one of the top 100 cryptocurrencies on the planet.

Here, we have tried to breakdown ETN price predictions for you.

Electroneum, the mobile cryptocurrency, is designed for the masses- the 2.2 Billion smartphone users globally. No wonder the Electroneum ICO (Initial Coin Offering) holds the record for the largest number of participants in ICO sales. ETN generated USD 40 Million worth of Bitcoins and Ethereum.

Now, the founding team is using the money generated in expanding the ecosystem for ETN’s growth.

If you are wondering how, despite being a new-entrant, ETN saw such a huge number of buyers, then the answer is simple- ease of participation. Yes, even though the same Blockchain technology is used to develop ETN, you don’t have to be a miner to mine them. All you need is the Electroneum app, and you are all set to bid for this promising entrepreneurial venture.

While the application makes it easier for you to manage, mine, and analyze. Electroneum, the currency offers various other advantages over its competitors.

For starters, while no more than 21 million Bitcoins can exist simultaneously, the lower limit for the ETN that can exist at once is 21 Billion! Moreover, similar to Monero coins, Electroneum details are also hidden from the world, keeping the privacy of the tender intact.

Also, since ETN is focused more on the masses, the app will allow you to carry out micro-transactions such as purchasing mobile games, apps, and transferring money quickly. All of this is possible through the ETN mobile app, which acts as a manager, miner, and a wallet.

Electroneum Price Predictions 2020

When it comes to Electroneum price predictions, considering the unstable nature of cryptocurrencies, most experts use technical analysis, market and technology trends to forecast their prices.

Based on technical analysis, Electroneum Price Prediction 2020, according to, the currency can be valued at USD 2.44 by the year 2023. As of May 2019, ETN was traded at 0.005966 USD. Also, UsLifted presents a positive growth trend in the currency, suggesting an augmentation to USD 0.812 as the ball for 2020 drops. This increase will rise all year long, stopping at USD 1.10 as the year ends.

Must Read: Exclusive Interview with Richard Ells, the CEO of Electroneum

If we stick to the predictions stating that ETN’s prices will grow manifold in 2023, an investment of USD 200 may turn into USD 23,000 by 2023. The predictions and forecasts, certainly, show a positive development in the ETN ecosystem, one which was seen as a sheer loss when predicted for in 2019. However, owing to the instability in the demand and supply factors, you can only rely on the market trends and how well the tender performs in the longer run.


What is Electroneum Price Prediction for 2020

According to, the currency can be valued at USD 2.44 by the year 2023. According to this ETN price prediction, it predicts Electroneum prices to be around $0.812 at the beginning of 2020 and $1.10 by December 2020.

Monesh Kumar
Monesh Kumar
Monesh Kumar is a cryptocurrency and blockchain enthusiast. He trades cryptocurrencies and holds some but he prefers holding Bitcoin, Ethereum & Cardano.

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