Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Layer Zero Airdrop: How to be eligible?

Layer Zero is a multichain interoperable protocol for passing lightweight messages across different chains. In simple words, it is a new dimension of crypto bridging with the goal to connect all EVM chain and unify liquidity pools. At launch, Layer Zero plans to support Ethereum, Polygon, Binance Smart Chain, Avalanche, Arbitrum, and Optimism.

Layer Zero Airdrop Coin Gyaan

Layer Zero has huge backers, raising a massive $135M from FTX, Coinbase, PayPal, a16z, Sequoia Capital, and others. Note that one of the investors is PayPal Ventures, Layer Zero is their first web3 project in their portfolio. This makes the Layer Zero Airdrop probability very likely.

Here is a strategy on how to cover Layer Zero Protocol before the $ZRO launch. If they ever conduct an airdrop, it would be similar like Aptos, Optimism and EVMOS Airdrops.

What is $ZRO?

• $ZRO would potentially be used to pay for gas fees on their native blockchain
• You can find $ZRO information in their code snippet

🔗 http://layerzero.gitbook.io/docs/guides/in

Layer Zero Airdrop Coin Gyaan

Use Stargate:

The first protocol built on L0 is Stargate Finance. Getting $ZRO may require Stargate related actions.

By doing this, you’re now a DAO Voter of Stargate Finance, which can potentially qualify you for the Layer Zero airdrop.
Layer Zero Airdrop Coin Gyaan

Use LiquidSwap by Pontem Network

It is a bridge on Layer Zero using which we can send tokens between Ethereum and Aptos.

  • Bridge from any EVM chain to Aptos or vice versa. (Example, transfer some tokens from optimism to Aptos)
  • EVM to EVM is not possible. (Example, you can transfer from Ethereum to BSC or Optimism or Arbitrum and vice versa)
  • Link: https://bridge.liquidswap.com

Layer Zero Airdrop Coin Gyaan

Use the Aptos Bridge (powered by Layer Zero)

The LayerZero Aptos bridge enables seamless asset transfers between Aptos and the world of blockchains. Connect your source and destination wallets to get started.

This is similar to LiquidSwap, so follow the same steps.

Link: theaptosbridge.com/bridge

Layer Zero Airdrop Coin Gyaan

Use USDC Layer Zero Bridge

It is a bridge on Layer Zero using which we can send USDC between EVM chains. The Omnichain Fungible Token Standard (OFT) is built on top of LayerZero’s innovative omnichain messaging infrastructure, which allows fungible tokens to be securely transferred across chains, without the need for asset wrapping, middlechains, or liquidity pools.

Must Read: Arbitrum Airdrop: How to be eligible?

USDC Faucet Layer Zero Coin Gyaan

Keep these protocol under your radar and let’s see how it evolves. That’s all for the guide. If you found this article helpful, do follow us on Telegram and twitter.

Monesh Kumar
Monesh Kumar
Monesh Kumar is a cryptocurrency and blockchain enthusiast. He trades cryptocurrencies and holds some but he prefers holding Bitcoin, Ethereum & Cardano.

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